Apartment Search

Apartment Search

Sy @ | 3 minutes | #charlotte #north-carolina #apartment #throwback

We left the hotel the following day, on the 5th of April 2019. We packed our bags back into the car in the pouring rain and headed to the real estate agency. We looked at apartments all day. We weren't allowed to do that ourselves (as part of the relocation agreement). We got a "helper", and she was Annie. We used to have to give her info about what we were looking for, where we wanted to live, and she organized some visits to different places according to our needs. In the first round, we still thought we wanted to live downtown. (Although Csibi's workplace is on the outskirts.)

We visited six apartment complexes, including two skyscrapers. One, "The Vue" is exclusive; there is a mini-golf, basketball court, sauna, and even a bartender.

The Vue
The Vue

In any case, we particularly liked five of the six places. The apartments are basically very spacious everywhere, equipped with an American kitchen.


Each bedroom has a separate bathroom and wardrobe; air conditioning and ceiling fans are standard. The kitchen has a fridge, stovetop, built-in microwave, dishwasher, and even a washing machine and dryer. Common areas include a swimming pool, exercise room, BBQ grills, and free coffee almost everywhere. There was something to digest as everything was highly different from what we were used to at home.

club room
club room

We returned to the accommodation at 4:30 PM. Although we didn't have an apartment here, we were told that they had never heard of the company that organized the accommodation. That sounds good, doesn't it? 😀 We've held up pretty well, taking the obstacles lightly, but it got a bit much then.

The WiFi wasn't working, Csibi's company phone and email were discontinued (transferring from the EU to the US), and his current SIM card was almost zero money. I quickly got a 40,000 HUF (~130 USD) bill.
We tried to make some calls, but the re-locator coordinator and Csibi's boss didn't pick up either. Hm… However, they were helpful in the office and allowed us to use their computer.
Fortunately, we sorted the status of the apartment. Eventually, the moving company called us back. It turned out that they had sent the information to Csibi's company email address (which, as I said, has since been discontinued). The story was a bit surreal, but everything was clarified so that we could finally unpack our suitcases.
By the way, our temporary accommodation was on the outskirts of town. Calm, silent, the surroundings looked like in the movies. 😄

Oh, and the 15 boxes that the moving company transported arrived early. We have asked them to postpone the delivery. They should not deliver our packages to our temporary location as we would not be able to find a place for them. So they were waiting in a warehouse somewhere for us to be back together.

We had another really great story that night: we went to a fast-food restaurant for dinner. When we were paying, the boss/shift manager/group leader, whoever he was, came up and asked if this was our first time eating here? Yes, we replied in surprise. He invited us to it, so we didn't have to pay anything. That hasn't happened to us anywhere. Welcome to the United States. 😄

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