Goodbye 2022

Goodbye 2022

Sy @ | 2 minutes | #summary

It has been a tradition for the past few years to recap the year in the last days of the year.
In this crazy world, I think it's even more important to be thankful for what we have and every little good thing that happens to us. Reflecting on this year, I feel the good things outnumbered the bad.
In February - after almost three years - we could go home and spend a few weeks with our family. We hope to hug our friends next time too! Also, it is a significant milestone that we managed to extend our visa.

I believe we have had a successful year professionally as well. I am very proud of Csibi, who always does a great job here; he has settled in very well and takes every challenge and obstacle in stride!
I am also very proud of my former and current students. This year there were many successful final and language exams, which always makes me very happy, as well as the path to these results. I like their enthusiasm, persistence, and occasional slacking, but most of all, they take what I ask of them seriously. I love that they inspire me and that I always learn something new from them or for them.

Travel has also played a significant role this year, which I also can't be thankful enough for. We love to travel, and we visited many new places this year. It gives us experiences that can't be replaced. Experiences that no one can ever take away from us.
This year we have been to Charleston, SC, California, Atlanta, GA, Michigan, Boston, MA, the mountains here in North Carolina, and finally, New York (latter to be posted). Each place had something magical for us. It's fantastic to see new places.

We both work full-time and don't have a lot of free time, but we still published over 40 posts on our blog this year.
The only thing we would like even better is to have more subscribers to our YouTube channel. We would love to reach more people!

Thank you if you can join us on the other platforms.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven't already: @ComeWithUsBlog
And follow us on Instagram: @WayOfClouds

We'll be back next year with more content!

When the ball drops in New York City on New Year's Eve and confetti fly from the sky, our wishes will be flying there too! Wishes not only for ourselves but for the whole world, including YOU! ❤️

We wish you all a fantastic new year full of health, success, and joyful moments! May all your dreams come true!