Goodbye Boston

Goodbye Boston

Sy @ | 6 minutes | #boston #massachusetts #city #travel


The last day has come! 😔
Luckily our flight leaves at 7:55 PM, so we still have time. We have to leave the room at 11 or 12 o'clock. There were two different pieces of information in two places.
The weather wasn't that great, drizzling, so we weren't in a hurry. Around 11 AM, we packed up and checked out of the hotel but left our suitcases for safekeeping.
Fortunately, the weather improved a bit in the meantime.

Boston, MA

In the last few days, we saw a cathedral from the bus that we would have liked to see from the inside. It was about 4 or 5 stops from the hotel. Fortunately, you can go inside. It is the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. It is the largest Roman Catholic church in New England.
I think it is beautiful. After the Baltimore Cathedral, I would say it is the second most beautiful we have seen.

Cathedral of the Holy Cross - Boston, MA

We walked down the little street across the street and stopped at a coffee shop for a coffee (and a bathroom break).
In the meantime, we thought about what else we could do since it was still very early to return to the hotel. The street was charming with typical houses, so we started walking, but we just wandered around without a destination.

Boston, MA

We looked at the map and saw two streets that we knew were famous, but we needed to find out if we had been there that week.
We set off on our way. We ended up at the Public Garden. We were there faster on foot than by bus and proved once again that getting from A to B on foot is effortless.
For me, it was still my favorite place after a week; this park is just fantastic.

Public Garden - Boston, MA

And the squirrels were not shy this time either. There were many of them running around and getting very close to us. So close that one of them even jumped on Csibi's leg. We have no idea why, because we didn't have any food or anything like that… It was amusing. Csibi too, because he was totally scared/surprised. I was on the phone with my mom, and Csibi was so disappointed that we couldn't capture the moment, but at least we can share this way with you here.

We walked to Boston Common, partly because that's where the bus leaves on the way back and partly because we rarely do it. Still, I wanted a sweatshirt with Boston on it, and you can buy it at the Visitor Center. I actually had a T-shirt in mind, but it became a sweater! 😀

After that, we waited for a bus and returned to the cathedral because we missed the garden, and Csibi wanted to go to the café again to have a sandwich or a cake.
We took pictures of the garden and the Puerto Rican monument across the street. Then we went to the café where we shared a sandwich and a cake because we wanted to eat something hot at the airport since we would be home late and there was nothing at home…

Everything was delicious at the café. We talked about how great it is that Boston is such a big city, but at the same time, you can find little hidden treasures like this café (South End Buttery).

There is a school at the bus stop, and school was just ending as a line of school buses were picking up little kids.
A young teacher kindly said goodbye to all the children and put them on the bus. It was a joy to watch!

We returned to the hotel, picked up our bags, rested a bit, and changed clothes as we were quite warm from the hike.
Once we got ourselves together, we ordered an Uber and took it to the airport.
By the way, as we wrote before, you can take the blue metro to the airport or the ferry (which was valid with the Charlie Card). However, we wanted to avoid driving through the city again because of traffic, so we opted for Uber. We were still stuck in traffic, but it wasn't too bad.
By the way, part of the public transportation is through a tunnel system.
We passed a bad neighborhood where homeless people were in tents on the street, and a man had just taken drugs there… It was not pretty.

We arrived at the airport, printed out our boarding passes, and now we knew how to do it. We also got through security without any problems and relatively quickly. There were two restaurants near the gate. One place was small and had no available seats, and the other was larger and packed. We opted for the latter (Legal’s test kitchen). There were still a few tables available, so we were offered a seat immediately.

Legal’s test kitchen - BOS - Boston, MA

Csibi wanted a grilled chicken sandwich, and I wanted a Caesar salad. Seriously, it was the best thing we've ever eaten. It was great. And finally, we ordered dessert. There were two things to choose from: Key Lime Pie and Boston Cream Pie. We decided to go with the Boston Cream Pie.
We've had it at a few places, but never this good. It wasn't too sweet (that's very, very rare to find here!!!), it was great. The restaurant isn't cheap, but this was worth it.

Legal’s test kitchen - BOS - Boston, MA

After dinner, we had to wait a bit. Our flight was leaving from gate one, and for some reason, the previous flight (a flight to Toronto) was still showing. We were a little nervous, so there wouldn't be any delays or complications, but when we asked, the lady said it was just a faulty display and, of course, it would fly to Charlotte. It was clear that there would not be much empty space on the plane this time. We had reserved seats in row 19, just as we had on the way there. We would (should) have boarded with group 3.
We started boarding on time, but after the VIP, first class, and similar passengers, we were surprisingly told Csibi's name, called separately, and given a new boarding pass for a new seat. Comfort +, row 8.
(This is especially interesting because Csibi is quite tall.) So, for the second time, Delta Airlines pleasantly surprised us, and we were satisfied.

Delta Comfort+ - BOS - Boston, MA

The flight took off on time at 7:55 PM and landed at 9:45 PM instead of 10:25 PM, and the trip was excellent. The usual chaos awaited us at the airport; it is always very crowded. But the Uber came relatively quickly, and we were home within 15 minutes.

Although we didn't know if the hummingbirds were still here, we gave them a fresh drink for the morning. We took a bath (I even unpacked my suitcase quickly) and went to bed since we had to start work on Wednesday morning.

A great week is behind us.

Additional Photos

Map - Boston, MA