Destination Boston

Destination Boston

Sy @ | 4 minutes | #boston #massachusetts #travel


This year has been active so far. At the beginning of the year, we were in Hungary, then we made a few shorter trips, e.g., to Greensboro, NC, and a long weekend in Charleston, SC. Then came California (work + vacation), then Michigan, and in between, we were in Atlanta, GA, twice - but only for work.

And now to Boston! Ever since I saw the show Ally McBeal (you guys know it, right?!), I've wanted to see Boston!
Ally McBeal is a somewhat dorky and funny lawyer that the series is about. When the series was on TV, I loved it because I could relate to Ally's style and humor. This series is set in Boston, and that's really the only reason we're here! 😄

We bought the flight on August 20 ($216 per person) and chose Delta this time because it was cheaper. It's a bit annoying that a few months ago, you could get a flight to Boston for 40-50 USD, but now it is the best option!

There are several flights per day, but we also intentionally flew to Detroit early to make the most of our time! So we chose the earliest flight this time as well. This one left at 6:30 AM. We should have been at the airport by 4:30 AM, but our experience last time was that we only needed two hours.
So we booked an Uber for 5 AM (with advanced reservations). Still, in our experience, they always came earlier, so we ended up leaving at 4:40 AM and getting to the airport at 5 AM.
I like Uber because you get to meet interesting people! For example, this morning, we had a relatively chatty driver who moved here from the state of Montana (South Carolina, to be exact, but right on the border, which is about 10 minutes from us). He moved here to be closer to his children and grandchildren. But you always hear such exciting stories.

We arrived at the airport at 5 AM. With Delta, you must print out your boarding pass or use their app. With American Airlines, you can print it out, there is also an app, or you can request a boarding pass by email, which we usually do. We couldn't find the reservation number, but we got help. The lady explained that you can insert any card (credit or debit, for example) for identification. We opted for that because it was faster.

After that was done, we went to the security checkpoint. The line was long, but we were through quickly.
Once again, we flew on a small plane, as we did on our last trip home from Detroit.
It was great that there were only a few passengers. We sat in the second to last row (19th), and there were no people in front, behind, or next to us.

Delta to BOS

It was a good thing, too, because as we approached New York, Csibi went to the other window on the opposite side and took some excellent photos of NYC. Besides, the weather was clear, so it was ideal.

Delta to BOS

Around 8:20 AM, our plane landed!
From the airport, you can see the city very well.
The unique thing about this trip is that we decided not to rent a car this time but to use public transportation and walk. Also, we agreed not to go anywhere else this time (initially, we were going to New Hampshire - but we'd instead do that next fall). So this time, we're just staying in Boston.
Before we went to the Uber to the parking lot, we saw a 9/11 memorial. Since it was unfortunately just the anniversary, we went to see it!

9/11 Memorial - BOS - Boston, MA

Then we took the Uber to the hotel.
Within 2 minutes, the car was there to pick us up because the man was also at the airport. We arrived at the Residence Inn hotel in about 20 minutes.
Since we arrived very early, we didn't have a room yet, of course. But that wasn't a problem, we knew. We just wanted to put our suitcase down, so we didn't have to carry it all day. We got a little map and were already ready to explore Boston.
We just grabbed a coffee and were on our way!