Goodbye Michigan

Goodbye Michigan

Sy @ | 2 minutes | #michigan #travel #costs


At the airport, we were surprised that there weren't too many people and we didn't have to unpack anything from our suitcases. No liquids, no laptops.
Of course, we had to take off our shoes, but everything was done in a few minutes.

Detroit, MI

Then came another email that our plane was leaving even later. This was then changed twice more.
The first time it was 8:26 PM instead of 7:53 PM. Then finally, the plane arrived, and we took off shortly after 9 PM.

Detroit, MI

Since the plane was relatively small, they took our suitcases away to put them in the cargo area. They did not fit into the overhead compartment.

Detroit, MI

They apologized several times for the delay on the plane, and it turned out that there was a big storm in Charlotte, so the plane could not take off on time; that's why we experienced the delay.
On the way to Charlotte, there was no storm, thankfully.
There were a lot of transit passengers. Charlotte is also a significant transit airport, so they announced that the plane would try to get back to Charlotte faster despite the delay, but safety comes first, of course.
By the way, we were in Charlotte very quickly, in 1 1/4 hours!

Detroit, MI

The suitcases were placed in the hallway, so, fortunately, we didn't have to run to the treadmill.
However, the plane stopped at the far corner of the airport, so we had to walk a lot before we got to the exit.

And there is the usual madness - always! There's always a lot of the hustle and bustle, honking, screeching, beeping, traffic control, etc.
We ordered an Uber, and the driver was somewhere at the airport, but we had to wait a bit in the big crowd to find each other. By the way, he was a French driver who spoke English and French according to the Uber system. But it turned out he didn't really know English. In fact, he couldn't at all.
His car was attractive: it was very comfortable! There were LED cables in the car, and the driver played YouTube videos - primarily for his own entertainment… 😀
We arrived home at 11 PM.
We quickly prepared the nectar for the hummingbirds, unpacked our suitcases, then went back to sleep after a quick shower.

It was a very intense week!

💵 Expenses

Category Amount (USD)
Admission (ticket) 127.00
Gas 213.73
Rentalcar 348.86
Grocery 42.62
Restaurant, Café 393.59
Parking, bridge fee 19.70
Flight ticket 591.40
Lodging 1871.92
Uber 55.18
Total 3663.97