Destination Michigan

Destination Michigan

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A lovely friend of mine lived in the US for a while, and when he showed me his photos (a long time ago), and I decided we should go there too. Our current journey took us Michigan. Traverse City is the starting point, but we have many attractions planned for us!

We stayed in Traverse City, MI, for a week starting July 31st. At first, we wanted to book a flight directly to Traverse City, but then we found a cheaper flight to Detroit. We planned to drive from there. This is not a problem because there is much to see along the way!

This time the ticket cost 296 USD/person.

Another experience: We could now book seats next to each other on the plane free of charge.

It is possible that as the travel date approaches, the free ($0) seats will be sold out quickly, and only the paid ones will remain. At least, that's what we've observed now. Flight tickets, accommodation, and car are booked. Update: Even though we booked tickets next to each other, we were NOT seated next to each other. But more on that later!

We'll post the details soon; come with us to Michigan! It is going to be great!